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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.



For the last month I've been stitching a few hours a night on Tropical Jazz.The canvas has now been colored with a blend of translucent markers in several places. You can see where the canvas has been colored but not yet stitched. I 've decided to complete all the "regular" stitching before adding the embellishments. But the end is near for stitching. At the far right there is one strip with a little remaining. And at the left side, there is a large swath of four diamonds which is underway, as well as the border. When these areas are done, it's on to embellishments! It probably looks a little unfinished now, but just wait.



Now for the embellishments. I've gathered together all the things I've collected as options, EXCEPT for the resin beads which I  am re-posting below. I'm waiting for a few more beads to arrive and then I'll have a short painting session to add some Stewart Gill Metallica paint. I'll post some photos when they're ready.

See, there are lots of choices: some flat square and lentil beads, braids with sequins, "squiggly" rayon threads, and tiny round and square sequins. The multicolor thread at the bottom is what I plan to use as the background surrounding the diamonds on the left side.


Previously (back in January or February) I posted a sketch of the overall plan.  I've stuck to it fairly well, but as usual a few things needed to be changed.  That goes for the embellishments too.  I know I will use some of each of the four main groups seen above, plus the resin  beads, but I'm just not sure exactly which colors, etc.  It will take laying them out on top of the stitched areas and then picking one or two at a tme and then more, and more, etc. until it seems "right".   I was recently reading the latest Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazine, and one of the artists included, Pamela Harvey, stated her design philosphy as "too much is not enough".  I can identify with that.

I'll post an update on the bead painting and a finished photo......soon.

Have a great week!



San Francisco Bay Area Needlework Shops

Over the last 1-1/2 years since I begin this blog I have had several requests for current information on San Francisco, and the greater Bay Area, needlework shops.  And whenever I travel to teach workshops, at least one student wants to know the latest on San Francisco shops, as she is planning a trip to the area.  So, I finally decided it is time I compiled one, and was surprised they totalled 12 shops!  We are so lucky! 

A new shop, Luv2stitch, just opened on May 12th.  It is owned by Dale Lenci of D J Designs and many of you are probably familiar with his designs.  It is located in San Mateo which is about 25 miles south of San Francisco, but not that far south of the San Francisco Airport.  I am looking forward to making my first visit there in the near future. 

To find the list, click here.  All of the shops have a website (with links), and some have online catalogs.  I hope this listing will prove useful to you.  I will try to keep it updated, but please let me know if you have problems with any of the links, etc.  Enjoy! 

Wishing everyone an enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend!



Mediterranean Squares Finished!

Well, Mediterranean Squares is finally finished and on its way to the framers!  It took a bit longer than anticipated to finish the three rows of border but think it really sets off the design.  The finished size is 9-3/4" square. 

Now on to stitching Tropical Jazz.  I posted sketches of that design several months ago.  It is another project which must be ready for exhibit at the ANG seminar coming up in Milwaukee.  I'll post a few updates as I go. 

If you are thinking the webpage appears a little different but can't quite think what has is the banner.  Thought it was about time for something different!  Hope you like it.

Wishing everyone a great stitching week!